Thursday, November 28, 2013

Gratitude comes through the process of practice...

As we approach this Thanksgiving and holiday season, it is typical for most people to share their gratitude more openly, and honestly. A time for reflection. The word Gratitude has become an anthem of sorts for me. It was a conscious decision, as I stepped into 2013, that I be more grateful in life's smallest moments. And they appeared. Over and over.

Life has changed a lot for me in the past year. Last Thanksgiving was my first one as a separated, single Mom of two. It was new and sort of awkward. This past year has given me a chance to practice gratitude in so many simple ways.

A small amount of money in my bank account.
A business that is growing in small and big ways, both of which I am equally grateful for.
A warm bed.
Children who have understood when I have been less than a perfect example.
Friends who have become family over the years.
Endless opportunities to practice courage.
A forgiving God.
Trusting my gut.
A boyfriend who can read the look on my face. And know.
Hugs that don't end until I let go...
A landlord who fixed my shower, my disposal, etc.
Laughter that wanted to be tears
Second chances...and third, and fourth...
My customers, who remind me to keep doing what I love...creating Art
An art studio in my home
A group of "flyer sisters' who inspire, give insight, and supportive love.
Opportunities to teach
An assistant, who also happens to be my daughter.
My first art licensing contract
An ex who I can still be friends with
A Mom who's endless support means a lot to me
A daughter who gives me unconditional love
A mailbox key that works! (don't laugh)
A new printer that works beautifully
Money to buy that printer
New books that teach me how to be a better me
Artists who constantly inspire me with their own artwork and process
Social media that provides me interaction beyond my workspace
Good friends who send me messages from above, just so I believe...

This list could go on and on, and maybe I'll just keep adding as I think of things. To read more from my friends in my BLOG CIRCLE, go to to follow along...

There is always something to be grateful for...