Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Just JUMP!

It's funny how you see/hear or read the thing you need to see/hear or read right when you need to, isn't it? After seeing this quote, in between packing up my townhouse today, I have proclaimed this week "Leap week" because this week I am moving to another part of San Diego County. I'm leaving the cities I've known for the past 13 years, and starting a new adventure. I always look at my life in chapters...so this is chapter number who knows what! I lost count awhile ago. This chapter will include new adventures for me personally, and professionally. I have decided to take some more art classes this Fall, as well as a few business courses. As far as me personally, all the things I am familiar with, will be unfamiliar at first. New grocery store, bank, cleaners, gas station, post office, and all those places that make your city feel like home. I will adjust, I have before. What will be unfamiliar, will soon be home and familiar to me. Like I said, this will become another chapter in my life book that I know will bring me much joy and lots of lessons. They all seem to do that. So, I hope that if you are challenged by anything new or different this week, that you will join me in a leap of faith and do it...just JUMP!


Thursday, May 9, 2013

My girl J...

So many things have me feeling nostalgic these days. My oldest and first daughter is graduating from high school in just about a month. Everyone said it would go by fast, and it sure did! I call her J, although I swore when she was born I'd only use her
full name, Jessica. Not Jessie or Jess. Those are two tomboy for my girl. So she became J-bird, which eventually became J.

Last weekend as we worked together at The Queen Bee Market, this was my 4th show, and she's helped every time. It hit me as I saw her interact with my customers, "she's all grown up!" As we tore down the booth and got a little punchy, we were laughing and joking so hard, we were crying. At the silliest things. At things that later... would not be nearly as funny! She has become not only my assistant, but one of my best friends. I must say that I'm thrilled she's staying close for college. I think I may need to change my business name to The Artsy GirlS Studio someday... Not sure what I'd do without my faithful assistant! Love you J.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

All for a great cause...

This is my nephew Thomas. The handsome boy in the middle, surrounded by his beautiful cousins...

He is one of the sweetest 8th graders I know. He will always have a very special place in my heart, because I babysat him for his first year of life. We bonded. In just a few weeks, he is graduating from Middle School. His school is having a Fine Arts Gala/Fundraiser which supports the Music, Choir and Art Departments, and so they asked me to do a few canvases for the Silent Auction/Raffle.

I asked my sister in law if the teachers could give me any sheet music they had to use as a background. That way I could make it more special to the parents and children who were part of the program.

Although I kept the designs on here very simple, it was on purpose. So that the sheet music, and pencil notes on them could be seen, and appreciated. I hope they do well. The best part for me was to help out, and to have my nephew say, "my Auntie made that." It brings a smile to my face...
